
Montevideo (Uruguay) - June 2019.

This is a short course about using geographic data to generate maps and insights. We will see how to use the sf library to load and process data by performing spatial operations. For map-making we are going to introduce the tmap library. Also, we will see how to create interactive maps with leaflet.

Here you can find the slides to the introduction.

Nevertheless, most of the content is going to be delivered through three tutorials:

I encourage you to go through the Notebooks and digest the code. Eventually, you can forget the detail of every library or how a specific function works; but if you understand the logic and develop the intuition, is easier to remember and to solve new problems.

Please let me know if you find any mistake or have a suggestion.


Monday 3 - From 14:00 to 16:00
Thursday 6 - From 14:00 to 16:00