library(spdep) # Spatial weights, Moran's I, and LISA
library(spatialreg) # Spatial Regression
Loading required package: Matrix
Attaching package: ‘Matrix’
The following objects are masked from ‘package:tidyr’:
expand, pack, unpack
Attaching package: ‘spatialreg’
The following objects are masked from ‘package:spdep’:
get.ClusterOption, get.coresOption, get.mcOption, get.VerboseOption,
get.ZeroPolicyOption, set.ClusterOption, set.coresOption, set.mcOption,
set.VerboseOption, set.ZeroPolicyOption
[1] "MexicoCity_HTS"
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's
634 968 1035 1027 1103 1333 1
MexicoCity_HTS %>% filter( %>% select(Distrito)
Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 1 field
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension: XY
Bounding box: xmin: -99.09278 ymin: 19.41697 xmax: -99.04731 ymax: 19.45018
Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
Distrito geometry
1 034 MULTIPOLYGON (((-99.08461 1...
MexicoCity_HTS %<>% filter(Distrito != "034")
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
272.0 285.0 293.0 293.7 301.0 352.0
MexicoCity_Fringe <- st_read("../04_MexicoCity_HTS/UrbanFringe_MexicoCity.shp")
Reading layer `UrbanFringe_MexicoCity' from data source
using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 5 fields
Geometry type: POLYGON
Dimension: XY
Bounding box: xmin: -99.36492 ymin: 19.04824 xmax: -98.9403 ymax: 19.59276
Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
BB_Districts <- st_bbox(MexicoCity_HTS)
BB_Districts[1] <- -99.8
xmin ymin xmax ymax
-99.80000 18.93534 -98.59687 20.06826
Neigh_ <- poly2nb(MexicoCity_HTS)
WM_ <- nb2listw(Neigh_, style = "W")
Let’s keep the following piece of code in mind:
WM2 <- as(WM_, "CsparseMatrix")
trMC <- trW(WM2, type="MC")
MexicoCity_HTS %<>%
mutate(CarTrips_PerPopulation = Trips_Automovil/TotalPeople,
Prop_Male = Total_Male/TotalPeople,
Prop_HomesWithCars = Homes_With_Cars/Total_Homes,
Prop_HomesWithBicycles = Homes_With_Bicycles/Total_Homes,
Prop_Education_Low = TotalEducation_Low/TotalPeople,
Prop_Education_Medium = TotalEducation_Medium/TotalPeople,
Prop_Education_High = TotalEducation_High/TotalPeople)
ModelEquation <- "CarTrips_PerPopulation ~
Prop_Male +
Prop_HomesWithCars +
Prop_HomesWithBicycles +
# Prop_Education_Low +
Model_OLS <- lm(ModelEquation, data = MexicoCity_HTS)
lm(formula = ModelEquation, data = MexicoCity_HTS)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.42660 -0.13935 -0.04958 0.08185 2.39132
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -1.926931 0.922740 -2.088 0.0381 *
Prop_Male -0.116088 1.619548 -0.072 0.9429
Prop_HomesWithCars 1.874276 0.207355 9.039 < 2e-16 ***
Prop_HomesWithBicycles -0.021345 0.173339 -0.123 0.9021
Age 0.051294 0.008715 5.886 1.79e-08 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 0.2863 on 188 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.6505, Adjusted R-squared: 0.643
F-statistic: 87.46 on 4 and 188 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Prop_Male Prop_HomesWithCars Prop_HomesWithBicycles
1.260071 1.751949 1.094062
H0 (null hypothesis): There is no correlation among the residuals. HA (alternative hypothesis): The residuals are autocorrelated.
p-value is less than 0.05, reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the residuals in this regression model are autocorrelated
lag Autocorrelation D-W Statistic p-value
1 0.2576538 1.379249 0
Alternative hypothesis: rho != 0
The null hypothesis is that the data are normally distributed If the p-value is less than the significance level (usually 0.05), we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the data are not normally distributed.
Jarque Bera Test
data: residuals(Model_OLS)
X-squared = 6389.5, df = 2, p-value < 2.2e-16
If the p-value is less than the significance level (usually 0.05), we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the residuals do not follow a normal distribution.
ks.test(residuals(Model_OLS), "pnorm")
Asymptotic one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
data: residuals(Model_OLS)
D = 0.34029, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: two-sided
If the p-value is less than the significance level (usually 0.05), we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is evidence of heteroscedasticity in the residuals.
studentized Breusch-Pagan test
data: Model_OLS
BP = 10.586, df = 4, p-value = 0.03163
lm.morantest(Model_OLS, WM_)
Global Moran I for regression residuals
model: lm(formula = ModelEquation, data = MexicoCity_HTS)
weights: WM_
Moran I statistic standard deviate = 4.8456, p-value = 6.311e-07
alternative hypothesis: greater
sample estimates:
Observed Moran I Expectation Variance
0.198201508 -0.014234611 0.001922028
MexicoCity_HTS %<>% mutate(Residuals_OLS = residuals(Model_OLS))
tm_shape(MexicoCity_HTS, bbox = BB_Districts) +
tm_fill("Residuals_OLS", style = "quantile", title = "Quantiles") +
tm_borders(alpha = 0.6) +
tm_shape(MexicoCity_Fringe) +
tm_polygons(alpha = 0, border.col = "black", lwd = 1.4, lty = "solid") +
tm_compass(size = 2, type = "arrow", position = c(0.85,0.87)) +
tm_scale_bar(position = c(0.4,0.02)) +
tm_layout(title = "Residuals - OLS", legend.position = c(0.01,0.15), scale = 1)
moran.test(MexicoCity_HTS$Residuals_OLS, WM_)
Moran I test under randomisation
data: MexicoCity_HTS$Residuals_OLS
weights: WM_
Moran I statistic standard deviate = 4.9297, p-value = 4.117e-07
alternative hypothesis: greater
sample estimates:
Moran I statistic Expectation Variance
0.198201508 -0.005208333 0.001702542$Residuals_OLS, WM_, nsim = 10000)
Monte-Carlo simulation of Moran I
data: MexicoCity_HTS$Residuals_OLS
weights: WM_
number of simulations + 1: 10001
statistic = 0.1982, observed rank = 10000, p-value = 9.999e-05
alternative hypothesis: greater
MexicoCity_HTS$Variable <- MexicoCity_HTS$Residuals_OLS
ZonesAnalysis <- MexicoCity_HTS %>% select(Variable)
LocalMoran_Temp <- localmoran(ZonesAnalysis$Variable, WM_)
LocalMoran_Temp <-
names(LocalMoran_Temp)[5] <- "PValue"
ZonesAnalysis %<>% bind_cols(LocalMoran_Temp)
ZonesAnalysis$Lagged <- lag.listw(WM_, ZonesAnalysis$Variable)
ZonesAnalysis$Value <- ZonesAnalysis$Variable
MeanValues = mean(ZonesAnalysis$Value)
MeanLagged = mean(ZonesAnalysis$Lagged)
MeanMoran = mean(ZonesAnalysis$Ii)
ZonesAnalysis %<>%
Values_Centered = Value - MeanValues,
Lagged_Centered = Lagged - MeanLagged,
Moran_Centered = Ii - MeanMoran)
ZonesAnalysis %<>%
mutate(Significance = if_else(PValue <= 0.05, 1, 0)) %>%
mutate(Cuadrants = 5) %>%
mutate(Cuadrants = if_else(Values_Centered > 0 & Lagged_Centered > 0, 1, Cuadrants)) %>%
mutate(Cuadrants = if_else(Values_Centered > 0 & Lagged_Centered < 0, 2, Cuadrants)) %>%
mutate(Cuadrants = if_else(Values_Centered < 0 & Lagged_Centered < 0, 3, Cuadrants)) %>%
mutate(Cuadrants = if_else(Values_Centered < 0 & Lagged_Centered > 0, 4, Cuadrants)) %>%
mutate(Cuadrants = if_else(Significance == 0, 5, Cuadrants))
# 1: High-High - Spatial clusters
# 2: High-Low - Outliers
# 3: Low-low - Spatial clusters
# 4: Low-High - Outliers
# 5: Not significance
# c("High-High", "High-Low", "Low-low", "Low-high", "Not significant")
ZonesAnalysis$Cuadrants <- factor(as.character(ZonesAnalysis$Cuadrants),
levels = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5"),
ordered = TRUE)
Breaks <- c(0, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5)
Labels <- c("High-high (clusters)", "High-low",
"Low-low (clusters)", "Low-high", "Not significant")
MyPalette <- c("#1b9e77", "#d95f02", "#7570b3", "#e7298a", "#edf8fb")
Map_LISA_Residuals <- tm_shape(ZonesAnalysis, bbox = BB_Districts) +
palette = MyPalette, breaks = Breaks, labels = Labels,
title = "LISA cluster map") +
tm_borders(alpha = 0.4) +
tm_shape(MexicoCity_Fringe) +
tm_polygons(alpha = 0, border.col = "black", lwd = 1.4, lty = "solid") +
tm_compass(size = 2, type = "arrow", position = c(0.85,0.87)) +
tm_scale_bar(position = c(0.4,0.02)) +
tm_layout(title = "Residuals - OLS", legend.position = c(0.01,0.15), scale = 1)
lm.LMtests(Model_OLS, WM_,
test = c("LMerr", "LMlag", "RLMerr", "RLMlag", "SARMA"))
Lagrange multiplier diagnostics for spatial dependence
model: lm(formula = ModelEquation, data = MexicoCity_HTS)
weights: WM_
LMerr = 19.206, df = 1, p-value = 1.173e-05
Lagrange multiplier diagnostics for spatial dependence
model: lm(formula = ModelEquation, data = MexicoCity_HTS)
weights: WM_
LMlag = 12.008, df = 1, p-value = 0.0005298
Lagrange multiplier diagnostics for spatial dependence
model: lm(formula = ModelEquation, data = MexicoCity_HTS)
weights: WM_
RLMerr = 7.2671, df = 1, p-value = 0.007023
Lagrange multiplier diagnostics for spatial dependence
model: lm(formula = ModelEquation, data = MexicoCity_HTS)
weights: WM_
RLMlag = 0.068685, df = 1, p-value = 0.7933
Lagrange multiplier diagnostics for spatial dependence
model: lm(formula = ModelEquation, data = MexicoCity_HTS)
weights: WM_
SARMA = 19.275, df = 2, p-value = 6.524e-05
To do this we neet to fit the other models
# Spatial Durbin Model SDM:
Spatial_SDM <- lagsarlm(ModelEquation, data = MexicoCity_HTS, WM_, type = "mixed")
# Spatial Durbin Error Model SDEM:
Spatial_SDEM <- errorsarlm(ModelEquation, data = MexicoCity_HTS, WM_, etype="emixed")
# Spatially Lagged X:
Spatial_Lagged_X <- lmSLX(ModelEquation, data = MexicoCity_HTS, WM_)
# Spatially Lagged Y:
Spatial_Lagged_Y <- lagsarlm(ModelEquation, data = MexicoCity_HTS, WM_)
# Spatial Error Model SEM:
Spatial_SEM <- errorsarlm(ModelEquation, data = MexicoCity_HTS, WM_)
Spatial_Lagged_Y <- lagsarlm(ModelEquation, data = MexicoCity_HTS, WM_)
# summary(impacts(Spatial_Lagged_Y, listw = WM_, R = 500), zstats = TRUE)
summary(impacts(Spatial_Lagged_Y, tr = trMC, R = 300), zstats = TRUE)
Impact measures (lag, trace):
Direct Indirect Total
Prop_Male -0.40482489 -0.12715291 -0.53197780
Prop_HomesWithCars 1.78321869 0.56009758 2.34331626
Prop_HomesWithBicycles 0.08404907 0.02639928 0.11044835
Age 0.03719539 0.01168284 0.04887823
Simulation results ( variance matrix):
Iterations = 1:300
Thinning interval = 1
Number of chains = 1
Sample size per chain = 300
1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
plus standard error of the mean:
Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
Prop_Male -0.28773 1.686603 0.0973761 0.0973761
Prop_HomesWithCars 1.79394 0.193549 0.0111745 0.0111745
Prop_HomesWithBicycles 0.08606 0.170480 0.0098426 0.0111856
Age 0.03745 0.009115 0.0005262 0.0005262
2. Quantiles for each variable:
2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
Prop_Male -3.54647 -1.45475 -0.32184 0.85809 3.3606
Prop_HomesWithCars 1.43983 1.64359 1.81281 1.92369 2.1495
Prop_HomesWithBicycles -0.30879 -0.01406 0.08395 0.19900 0.4166
Age 0.01907 0.03119 0.03736 0.04392 0.0559
Iterations = 1:300
Thinning interval = 1
Number of chains = 1
Sample size per chain = 300
1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
plus standard error of the mean:
Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
Prop_Male -0.07432 0.59820 0.0345371 0.0345371
Prop_HomesWithCars 0.57754 0.24104 0.0139165 0.0139165
Prop_HomesWithBicycles 0.03266 0.06230 0.0035967 0.0035967
Age 0.01147 0.00416 0.0002402 0.0003261
2. Quantiles for each variable:
2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
Prop_Male -1.351206 -0.408711 -0.08245 0.28791 1.32733
Prop_HomesWithCars 0.198162 0.414494 0.55670 0.70050 1.15753
Prop_HomesWithBicycles -0.084967 -0.003998 0.02424 0.05967 0.18582
Age 0.005002 0.008232 0.01115 0.01404 0.02026
Iterations = 1:300
Thinning interval = 1
Number of chains = 1
Sample size per chain = 300
1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
plus standard error of the mean:
Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
Prop_Male -0.36206 2.25198 0.1300181 0.1300181
Prop_HomesWithCars 2.37148 0.33410 0.0192891 0.0214045
Prop_HomesWithBicycles 0.11872 0.22805 0.0131665 0.0150203
Age 0.04893 0.01027 0.0005927 0.0005927
2. Quantiles for each variable:
2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
Prop_Male -4.43430 -1.89834 -0.39078 1.22506 4.4790
Prop_HomesWithCars 1.79700 2.14015 2.34053 2.58610 3.0714
Prop_HomesWithBicycles -0.37590 -0.01901 0.11019 0.27767 0.5710
Age 0.02768 0.04276 0.04908 0.05562 0.0674
Simulated standard errors
Direct Indirect Total
Prop_Male 1.686603140 0.598199365 2.25197957
Prop_HomesWithCars 0.193548815 0.241041095 0.33409742
Prop_HomesWithBicycles 0.170479525 0.062296902 0.22805046
Age 0.009114664 0.004159547 0.01026658
Simulated z-values:
Direct Indirect Total
Prop_Male -0.1705999 -0.1242446 -0.1607729
Prop_HomesWithCars 9.2686660 2.3960422 7.0981809
Prop_HomesWithBicycles 0.5048339 0.5242102 0.5205888
Age 4.1087870 2.7586925 4.7654762
Simulated p-values:
Direct Indirect Total
Prop_Male 0.86454 0.9011216 0.87227
Prop_HomesWithCars < 2.22e-16 0.0165732 1.2641e-12
Prop_HomesWithBicycles 0.61368 0.6001323 0.60265
Age 3.9774e-05 0.0058033 1.8841e-06
MexicoCity_HTS$Residuals_SLY <- residuals(Spatial_Lagged_Y)$Residuals_SLY, WM_, 1000)
Monte-Carlo simulation of Moran I
data: MexicoCity_HTS$Residuals_SLY
weights: WM_
number of simulations + 1: 1001
statistic = 0.071464, observed rank = 973, p-value = 0.02797
alternative hypothesis: greater
Spatial_SEM <- errorsarlm(ModelEquation, data = MexicoCity_HTS, WM_)
Call:errorsarlm(formula = ModelEquation, data = MexicoCity_HTS, listw = WM_)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.417042 -0.125463 -0.037412 0.066539 2.347826
Type: error
Coefficients: (asymptotic standard errors)
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -1.430771 0.855190 -1.6730 0.09432
Prop_Male -0.683613 1.468913 -0.4654 0.64165
Prop_HomesWithCars 1.921347 0.224748 8.5489 < 2.2e-16
Prop_HomesWithBicycles -0.114785 0.205418 -0.5588 0.57631
Age 0.044735 0.010148 4.4082 1.042e-05
Lambda: 0.40122, LR test value: 16.39, p-value: 5.1565e-05
Asymptotic standard error: 0.093219
z-value: 4.3041, p-value: 1.677e-05
Wald statistic: 18.525, p-value: 1.677e-05
Log likelihood: -21.76592 for error model
ML residual variance (sigma squared): 0.070907, (sigma: 0.26628)
Number of observations: 193
Number of parameters estimated: 7
AIC: 57.532, (AIC for lm: 71.922)
MexicoCity_HTS$Residuals_SEM <- residuals(Spatial_SEM)$Residuals_SEM, WM_, 1000)
Monte-Carlo simulation of Moran I
data: MexicoCity_HTS$Residuals_SEM
weights: WM_
number of simulations + 1: 1001
statistic = 0.0017268, observed rank = 595, p-value = 0.4056
alternative hypothesis: greater
Spatial_Lagged_X <- lmSLX(ModelEquation, data = MexicoCity_HTS, WM_)
lm(formula = formula(paste("y ~ ", paste(colnames(x)[-1], collapse = "+"))),
data =, weights = weights)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.44924 -0.13976 -0.04251 0.07882 2.35127
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -4.76320 2.25270 -2.114 0.03582 *
Prop_Male 0.07938 1.62872 0.049 0.96118
Prop_HomesWithCars 1.98123 0.26881 7.370 5.58e-12 ***
Prop_HomesWithBicycles -0.24415 0.28036 -0.871 0.38498
Age 0.04222 0.01455 2.901 0.00417 **
lag.Prop_Male 4.40362 3.56824 1.234 0.21873
lag.Prop_HomesWithCars -0.19219 0.41800 -0.460 0.64621
lag.Prop_HomesWithBicycles 0.39702 0.36334 1.093 0.27595
lag.Age 0.02659 0.01917 1.387 0.16702
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 0.2867 on 184 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.6569, Adjusted R-squared: 0.642
F-statistic: 44.04 on 8 and 184 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
#summary(impacts(Spatial_Lagged_X, listw = WM, R=500), zstats = TRUE)
summary(impacts(Spatial_Lagged_X, tr = trMC, R = 300), zstats = TRUE)
Impact measures (SlX, estimable, n-k):
Direct Indirect Total
Prop_Male 0.07937935 4.40361829 4.48299764
Prop_HomesWithCars 1.98123002 -0.19219349 1.78903653
Prop_HomesWithBicycles -0.24414664 0.39702087 0.15287424
Age 0.04221822 0.02659187 0.06881009
Standard errors:
Direct Indirect Total
Prop_Male 1.6287178 3.56823526 4.00323060
Prop_HomesWithCars 0.2688123 0.41800191 0.33389169
Prop_HomesWithBicycles 0.2803596 0.36333921 0.23971575
Age 0.0145522 0.01916755 0.01380898
Direct Indirect Total
Prop_Male 0.04873733 1.2341166 1.1198450
Prop_HomesWithCars 7.37030960 -0.4597909 5.3581344
Prop_HomesWithBicycles -0.87083375 1.0927003 0.6377313
Age 2.90115850 1.3873377 4.9829962
Direct Indirect Total
Prop_Male 0.9611286 0.21716 0.26278
Prop_HomesWithCars 1.7031e-13 0.64567 8.4086e-08
Prop_HomesWithBicycles 0.3838449 0.27453 0.52365
Age 0.0037179 0.16534 6.2607e-07
MexicoCity_HTS$Residuals_SLX <- residuals(Spatial_Lagged_X)$Residuals_SLX, WM_, 1000)
Monte-Carlo simulation of Moran I
data: MexicoCity_HTS$Residuals_SLX
weights: WM_
number of simulations + 1: 1001
statistic = 0.20062, observed rank = 1001, p-value = 0.000999
alternative hypothesis: greater
Spatial_SDM <- lagsarlm(ModelEquation, data = MexicoCity_HTS, WM_, type = "mixed")
Call:lagsarlm(formula = ModelEquation, data = MexicoCity_HTS, listw = WM_,
type = "mixed")
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.432570 -0.126697 -0.044845 0.070641 2.303348
Type: mixed
Coefficients: (asymptotic standard errors)
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -3.8249906 2.0962277 -1.8247 0.068046
Prop_Male -0.1814561 1.5018323 -0.1208 0.903831
Prop_HomesWithCars 1.9702295 0.2474804 7.9612 1.776e-15
Prop_HomesWithBicycles -0.3033832 0.2581791 -1.1751 0.239959
Age 0.0422458 0.0134022 3.1522 0.001621
lag.Prop_Male 4.6306169 3.2869657 1.4088 0.158900
lag.Prop_HomesWithCars -0.8992244 0.4201823 -2.1401 0.032348
lag.Prop_HomesWithBicycles 0.4401547 0.3344791 1.3159 0.188194
lag.Age 0.0021121 0.0183514 0.1151 0.908372
Rho: 0.39539, LR test value: 16.363, p-value: 5.2283e-05
Asymptotic standard error: 0.093311
z-value: 4.2373, p-value: 2.2622e-05
Wald statistic: 17.955, p-value: 2.2622e-05
Log likelihood: -19.97021 for mixed model
ML residual variance (sigma squared): 0.069674, (sigma: 0.26396)
Number of observations: 193
Number of parameters estimated: 11
AIC: 61.94, (AIC for lm: 76.304)
LM test for residual autocorrelation
test value: 0.038034, p-value: 0.84537
# summary(impacts(Spatial_SDM, listw = WM, R = 500), zstats = TRUE)
summary(impacts(Spatial_SDM, tr = trMC, R = 300), zstats = TRUE)
Impact measures (mixed, trace):
Direct Indirect Total
Prop_Male 0.22988190 7.12883141 7.35871331
Prop_HomesWithCars 1.95938245 -0.18798782 1.77139463
Prop_HomesWithBicycles -0.27449212 0.50070605 0.22621394
Age 0.04394349 0.02942249 0.07336598
Simulation results ( variance matrix):
Iterations = 1:300
Thinning interval = 1
Number of chains = 1
Sample size per chain = 300
1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
plus standard error of the mean:
Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
Prop_Male 0.19784 1.67720 0.0968334 0.096833
Prop_HomesWithCars 1.95145 0.22321 0.0128869 0.012887
Prop_HomesWithBicycles -0.25745 0.22575 0.0130335 0.013034
Age 0.04438 0.01196 0.0006905 0.000794
2. Quantiles for each variable:
2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
Prop_Male -3.00712 -0.95370 0.14732 1.26864 3.59994
Prop_HomesWithCars 1.52177 1.80618 1.95746 2.09797 2.39055
Prop_HomesWithBicycles -0.69425 -0.41385 -0.25665 -0.09375 0.14178
Age 0.01945 0.03671 0.04522 0.05223 0.06738
Iterations = 1:300
Thinning interval = 1
Number of chains = 1
Sample size per chain = 300
1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
plus standard error of the mean:
Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
Prop_Male 7.13448 5.66967 0.327339 0.327339
Prop_HomesWithCars -0.15171 0.57295 0.033079 0.029871
Prop_HomesWithBicycles 0.48314 0.42863 0.024747 0.024747
Age 0.02826 0.02552 0.001473 0.001473
2. Quantiles for each variable:
2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
Prop_Male -3.79847 3.441348 7.09681 10.86772 18.39668
Prop_HomesWithCars -1.17876 -0.491039 -0.16342 0.17461 0.99895
Prop_HomesWithBicycles -0.36278 0.192500 0.50568 0.77079 1.39399
Age -0.01521 0.009882 0.02793 0.04431 0.07934
Iterations = 1:300
Thinning interval = 1
Number of chains = 1
Sample size per chain = 300
1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
plus standard error of the mean:
Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
Prop_Male 7.33232 6.56947 0.379289 0.379289
Prop_HomesWithCars 1.79974 0.55816 0.032226 0.032226
Prop_HomesWithBicycles 0.22570 0.39924 0.023050 0.023050
Age 0.07264 0.02349 0.001356 0.001356
2. Quantiles for each variable:
2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
Prop_Male -4.82264 3.03100 6.97300 11.83149 19.7914
Prop_HomesWithCars 0.80686 1.45521 1.78276 2.15513 2.9270
Prop_HomesWithBicycles -0.54150 -0.01329 0.21205 0.49629 1.0030
Age 0.02988 0.05712 0.07381 0.08597 0.1175
Simulated standard errors
Direct Indirect Total
Prop_Male 1.67720321 5.66967274 6.56947251
Prop_HomesWithCars 0.22320703 0.57294737 0.55816300
Prop_HomesWithBicycles 0.22574728 0.42862829 0.39923845
Age 0.01196058 0.02551567 0.02348687
Simulated z-values:
Direct Indirect Total
Prop_Male 0.1179592 1.2583585 1.1161204
Prop_HomesWithCars 8.7427758 -0.2647949 3.2243904
Prop_HomesWithBicycles -1.1404232 1.1271854 0.5653166
Age 3.7106577 1.1074642 3.0927632
Simulated p-values:
Direct Indirect Total
Prop_Male 0.90609995 0.20826 0.2643706
Prop_HomesWithCars < 2.22e-16 0.79117 0.0012624
Prop_HomesWithBicycles 0.25411004 0.25966 0.5718584
Age 0.00020672 0.26809 0.0019830
MexicoCity_HTS$SDM <- residuals(Spatial_SDM)$SDM, WM_, 1000)
Monte-Carlo simulation of Moran I
data: MexicoCity_HTS$SDM
weights: WM_
number of simulations + 1: 1001
statistic = 0.0017916, observed rank = 603, p-value = 0.3976
alternative hypothesis: greater
Spatial_SDEM <- errorsarlm(ModelEquation, data = MexicoCity_HTS, WM_, etype="emixed")
Call:errorsarlm(formula = ModelEquation, data = MexicoCity_HTS, listw = WM_,
etype = "emixed")
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.413021 -0.132669 -0.042050 0.074065 2.305038
Type: error
Coefficients: (asymptotic standard errors)
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -5.006409 2.587116 -1.9351 0.0529742
Prop_Male 0.165953 1.584209 0.1048 0.9165704
Prop_HomesWithCars 1.933859 0.235438 8.2139 2.22e-16
Prop_HomesWithBicycles -0.270395 0.243243 -1.1116 0.2662996
Age 0.045224 0.012534 3.6082 0.0003083
lag.Prop_Male 5.076083 3.743991 1.3558 0.1751645
lag.Prop_HomesWithCars -0.076900 0.444190 -0.1731 0.8625541
lag.Prop_HomesWithBicycles 0.426103 0.356293 1.1959 0.2317227
lag.Age 0.019061 0.019066 0.9997 0.3174376
Lambda: 0.39509, LR test value: 16.33, p-value: 5.3211e-05
Asymptotic standard error: 0.093687
z-value: 4.2172, p-value: 2.4739e-05
Wald statistic: 17.784, p-value: 2.4739e-05
Log likelihood: -19.98688 for error model
ML residual variance (sigma squared): 0.06969, (sigma: 0.26399)
Number of observations: 193
Number of parameters estimated: 11
AIC: 61.974, (AIC for lm: 76.304)
Call:errorsarlm(formula = ModelEquation, data = MexicoCity_HTS, listw = WM_,
etype = "emixed")
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.413021 -0.132669 -0.042050 0.074065 2.305038
Type: error
Coefficients: (asymptotic standard errors)
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -5.006409 2.587116 -1.9351 0.0529742
Prop_Male 0.165953 1.584209 0.1048 0.9165704
Prop_HomesWithCars 1.933859 0.235438 8.2139 2.22e-16
Prop_HomesWithBicycles -0.270395 0.243243 -1.1116 0.2662996
Age 0.045224 0.012534 3.6082 0.0003083
lag.Prop_Male 5.076083 3.743991 1.3558 0.1751645
lag.Prop_HomesWithCars -0.076900 0.444190 -0.1731 0.8625541
lag.Prop_HomesWithBicycles 0.426103 0.356293 1.1959 0.2317227
lag.Age 0.019061 0.019066 0.9997 0.3174376
Lambda: 0.39509, LR test value: 16.33, p-value: 5.3211e-05
Asymptotic standard error: 0.093687
z-value: 4.2172, p-value: 2.4739e-05
Wald statistic: 17.784, p-value: 2.4739e-05
Log likelihood: -19.98688 for error model
ML residual variance (sigma squared): 0.06969, (sigma: 0.26399)
Number of observations: 193
Number of parameters estimated: 11
AIC: 61.974, (AIC for lm: 76.304)
MexicoCity_HTS$SDEM <- residuals(Spatial_SDEM)$SDEM, WM_, 1000)
Monte-Carlo simulation of Moran I
data: MexicoCity_HTS$SDEM
weights: WM_
number of simulations + 1: 1001
statistic = 0.00040948, observed rank = 580, p-value = 0.4206
alternative hypothesis: greater
LR.Sarlm(Spatial_SDM, Spatial_Lagged_X)
Likelihood ratio for spatial linear models
Likelihood ratio = 16.363, df = 1, p-value = 5.228e-05
sample estimates:
Log likelihood of Spatial_SDM Log likelihood of Spatial_Lagged_X
-19.97021 -28.15195
LR.Sarlm(Spatial_SDM, Spatial_Lagged_Y)
Likelihood ratio for spatial linear models
Likelihood ratio = 9.6249, df = 4, p-value = 0.04724
sample estimates:
Log likelihood of Spatial_SDM Log likelihood of Spatial_Lagged_Y
-19.97021 -24.78265
LR.Sarlm(Spatial_SDM, Spatial_SEM)
Likelihood ratio for spatial linear models
Likelihood ratio = 3.5914, df = 4, p-value = 0.4641
sample estimates:
Log likelihood of Spatial_SDM Log likelihood of Spatial_SEM
-19.97021 -21.76592
LR.Sarlm(Spatial_SDEM, Spatial_SEM)
Likelihood ratio for spatial linear models
Likelihood ratio = 3.5581, df = 4, p-value = 0.4691
sample estimates:
Log likelihood of Spatial_SDEM Log likelihood of Spatial_SEM
-19.98688 -21.76592
LR.Sarlm(Spatial_SDEM, Spatial_Lagged_X)
Likelihood ratio for spatial linear models
Likelihood ratio = 16.33, df = 1, p-value = 5.321e-05
sample estimates:
Log likelihood of Spatial_SDEM Log likelihood of Spatial_Lagged_X
-19.98688 -28.15195